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Alberta Auto Bill of Sale [Free Template, PDF]

The Alberta Auto Bill of Sale is a legal document that serves as evidence of a transfer of ownership for a vehicle in a private sale. It includes essential information about the buyer, seller, vehicle details, sale terms, and other relevant particulars. This document is crucial for documenting and formalizing the transaction of a motor vehicle between two parties within Alberta.

The Alberta Auto Bill of Sale is very important because it serves as proof of ownership when you buy or sell a car. It helps both the buyer and seller understand clearly who owns the vehicle. This document is also needed to register the car under the new owner’s name at the Alberta Motor Vehicle Registry.

Additionally, the Alberta Auto Bill of Sale helps protect both the buyer and seller in case there are any disagreements later on. It lists all the details of the sale, like the price of the car, its information, and any special agreements made during the sale.

Overall, this bill of sale is essential because it makes sure that transferring ownership of a vehicle in a private sale is done correctly and legally. It gives everyone involved clear proof of what was agreed upon during the sale.

Alberta Auto Bill of Sale Template

Alberta Auto Bill of Sale


Alberta Auto Bill of Sale

Alberta Auto Bill of Sale PDF

Alberta Auto Bill of Sale PDF

Alberta Auto Bill of Sale PDF


Information Included in the Alberta Auto Bill of Sale

While there’s no specific “Alberta Auto Bill of Sale,” the Standard Bill of Sale is what you’ll use for private vehicle sales in Alberta. Here’s what you need to include in this document:

Essential Information:

  • Buyer’s details: Names, addresses (Optional: contact info, ID details).
  • Seller’s details: Names, addresses (Optional: contact info, ID details).
  • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): Crucial for registration.
  • Vehicle Description: Make, model (including series/style if needed), year, and color.

Additional Recommended Information:

Sale Details:

    • Sale date: Shows when ownership changed.
    • Purchase price: Helps in case of disputes. F. Other Details (Optional):
    • Odometer reading: Especially useful for older vehicles.
    • Payment method: Clarifies how the transaction happened.
    • Payment terms (if any): Like installments, if agreed upon.
    • Liens or claims: Any outstanding debts or claims on the vehicle.
    • Last registration location: Can be handy during registration.
    • Special conditions agreed upon: Any specific terms or conditions.
    • Witness signatures (optional): Adds an extra layer of verification.


  • Include essential info and consider adding recommended details for a thorough Standard Bill of Sale.
  • Use the downloadable template from the Alberta government website for an accurate format.
  • A complete and accurate Standard Bill of Sale makes the ownership transfer and registration process smooth.

Additional Information (Recommended)

The Standard Bill of Sale in Alberta allows for including extra information, which can be beneficial for both buyers and sellers. Here’s why including these elements can be helpful:

  1. Odometer Reading:
    • Shows the vehicle’s mileage at the sale time.
    • Helpful for older vehicles to gauge condition and value.
    • Prevents future disagreements about mileage.
  2. Payment Method and Terms:
    • Clarifies how the transaction occurred (cash, cheque, etc.).
    • Specifies payment terms (full payment or installments).
    • Helps in case of payment disputes or bounced cheques.
  3. Liens or Encumbrances:
    • Discloses outstanding loans or claims on the vehicle.
    • Ensures transparency in the transaction.
    • Avoids complications during registration.
  4. Last Registration Location:
    • Helpful during registration with AMVR.
    • Streamlines the process, especially for vehicles registered elsewhere.
  5. Special Conditions of Sale:
    • Documents specific agreements about the vehicle’s condition or sale terms.
    • Avoids future misunderstandings.
  6. Witness Signatures (Optional):
    • Provides an extra layer of verification for the transaction.
    • Helpful in case of future disputes.

Including this additional information benefits both parties by enhancing clarity, reducing disputes, and potentially aiding the registration process. Using a Standard Bill of Sale with these details ensures a smoother and more secure private vehicle sale in Alberta.

Obtaining an Alberta Auto Bill of Sale

While there isn’t a specific document called an “Alberta Auto Bill of Sale,” the legal document used for private vehicle sales in Alberta is the Standard Bill of Sale. Here’s how you can get one:

  1. Free Downloadable Templates (Recommended):
    • Download a free Standard Bill of Sale template from the Alberta government website:
    • This template meets all provincial requirements for a valid bill of sale in Alberta.
    • Ensures you have all necessary information for smooth vehicle registration.
  2. Online Resources (Use with Caution):
    • Some websites offer Alberta-specific bill of sale templates for vehicles.
    • Be cautious as these may not be official and could be outdated.
    • Ensure the template aligns with Alberta’s Standard Bill of Sale requirements.
  3. Registry Agents (Optional):
    • Some registry agents might have blank standard bill of sale forms.
    • Less common but can be an option if the downloadable template isn’t available.
    • Ensure the form is accepted in Alberta for vehicle transfers.


  • Include all necessary information in the bill of sale: buyer/seller details, vehicle description (including VIN), sale details (date, price), and any agreed-upon terms.
  • Using a Standard Bill of Sale ensures a smooth vehicle sale and registration process.

 Importance of the Alberta Auto Bill of Sale

The Standard Bill of Sale, not the Alberta Auto Bill of Sale, plays a critical role in private vehicle sales in Alberta for these key reasons:

Proof of Ownership Transfer:

  • Confirms the legal transfer of vehicle ownership from seller to buyer, granting the buyer rights like using, selling, or modifying the vehicle.
  • Helps avoid future issues by clearly stating ownership during the sale, such as for resolving parking tickets or fines.

Registration Facilitation:

  • Required by the Alberta Motor Vehicle Registry (AMVR) for registering the vehicle under the new owner’s name, ensuring a smooth registration process.
  • Provides accurate ownership transfer proof for verification by the AMVR, reducing delays or complications.

Legal Protection:

  • Acts as legal evidence in case of disagreements between buyer and seller, documenting the agreed-upon terms like vehicle condition or payment terms.
  • Facilitates dispute resolution by serving as neutral evidence for mediation or legal actions if needed.

Dispute Prevention:

  • Helps prevent disputes by outlining clear expectations regarding the vehicle’s condition, sale price, and other critical details.
  • Offers documented evidence to support claims if disagreements arise, promoting fair resolution without prolonged conflicts.

Overall, utilizing a Standard Bill of Sale ensures security, legal protection, and efficiency for both buyers and sellers in Alberta during private vehicle sales.


Is the Alberta Auto Bill of Sale mandatory?

The “Alberta Auto Bill of Sale” term isn’t used in Alberta. Instead, the necessary legal document for private vehicle sales is known as the Standard Bill of Sale.

In Alberta, the Standard Bill of Sale is mandatory for private vehicle sales. It serves as proof of ownership transfer and is vital for registering the vehicle under the new owner’s name at the Alberta Motor Vehicle Registry (AMVR).

Here’s a summary:

  • Mandatory Requirement: The Standard Bill of Sale is a legal requirement for all private vehicle sales in Alberta.
  • Ownership Transfer Proof: It provides legal proof that ownership has been transferred from the seller to the buyer.
  • Registration Assistance: Crucial for the buyer to register the vehicle under their name at the AMVR.

Using the Standard Bill of Sale ensures a secure and well-documented vehicle sale experience for both buyers and sellers in Alberta.

Can a handwritten bill of sale be used?

In Alberta, a handwritten document can serve for a private vehicle sale, but it’s not officially termed an “Alberta Auto Bill of Sale” as no such document exists. Instead, the recognized legal document is the Standard Bill of Sale.

Here’s a breakdown of using a handwritten Standard Bill of Sale for a vehicle:


  • A handwritten Standard Bill of Sale is legally acceptable in Alberta, provided it includes all necessary information for vehicle transfers.

Potential Drawbacks:

  • Higher Risk of Omissions: Compared to using a pre-defined template, there’s a greater chance of missing essential details.
  • Clarity and Organization: A handwritten format may lack the clarity and organization of a standard template.


  • If opting for a handwritten Standard Bill of Sale, it’s advisable to compare it with Alberta government’s downloadable Standard Bill of Sale template to ensure it covers all required information for vehicles, such as using VIN instead of HIN. Adjustments may be necessary to align with Alberta’s regulations.

Advantages of Standard Bill of Sale Template:

  • Error Reduction: Using a template decreases the likelihood of missing crucial details compared to starting from scratch.
  • Enhanced Clarity: A pre-defined format leads to a more organized and easily understandable document.
  • Time and Effort Saving: It’s more convenient and efficient than creating a bill of sale entirely by hand.

Ultimately, the decision lies with you. While a handwritten Standard Bill of Sale can be valid, utilizing the downloadable template offers numerous advantages, such as error reduction and time savings. This helps ensure a smoother registration process and provides protection for both the buyer and seller in the long term.

What is the difference between a standard bill of sale and an Alberta Auto Bill of Sale?

In Alberta, there is no distinction between a standard bill of sale and an Alberta Auto Bill of Sale. The term “Alberta Auto Bill of Sale” is not officially recognized.

Key Point:

  • Standard Bill of Sale: This legal document is used in Alberta for private vehicle sales (as well as other types of property). Although not issued by Alberta registries, it is necessary for registering a vehicle under the new owner’s name.

Therefore, whenever you come across “Alberta Auto Bill of Sale,” know that it pertains to the same document as a Standard Bill of Sale in the context of Alberta.

Do both parties need a copy of the bill of sale?

In Alberta, it’s important for both the buyer and seller to have their own copy of the Standard Bill of Sale during a private vehicle sale.

Reasons for Having a Copy for Each Party:

  1. Proof of Ownership (Buyer): The buyer’s copy acts as legal evidence that they now own the vehicle. This is essential for registering the vehicle under their name and for any future dealings involving the vehicle, such as selling it or obtaining insurance.
  2. Record of Sale (Seller): The seller’s copy serves as their record of the sale, containing details like the sale price and date. This can be useful for tax purposes or in case of any future inquiries about the transaction.


It’s advisable to create two original signed copies of the Standard Bill of Sale, one for each party. This ensures that both parties have a complete and legally binding document.

Additional Tips:

  • Use a high-quality printer to ensure clear copies of the bill of sale.
  • Consider keeping a digital copy of the bill of sale for safekeeping.

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